Technology Visualized
Aiming to teach computing concepts using simple diagrams

The target audience ranges from beginners and novices to admins who might find diagramming of these concepts useful

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Technology Diagrams

The below sections guide you to all types of infrastructure and cloud technologies that you can learn more about. Find the type of technology you would like to learn about then drill down into those technologies using the labelled buttons. The drill down technology pages may also have further drill down buttons so follow the links as desired.

Information technology infrastructure

IT Infrastructure diagram overview

Information Technology infrastructure. This diagram shows a typical high-level architecture used for organizing IT infrastructure within an organization. Not all components are covered but the important isolation barriers can be seen in the layout.

Drill down into the technology areas below to learn about them

Cloud computing

Cloud Services and Infrastructure

Cloud computing allows us to move away from physical infrastructure deployment and use provisioned resources and services from Cloud service providers. This is an important change in infrastructure management as it means we don’t need to worry about the management and support of the underlying infrastructure for our systems.

Drill down into the cloud technology areas below to learn about them